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Do you need 2 products to use CUE?

Will Breault

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While reading up on some internet posts I have almost given up on the CUE and color aspect to the headset. I only own this headset and use it with my laptop which is an Asus ROG series. I can't seem to get new colors and or the lighting patterns such as fade, pulse and or whatever the names of them are.


I would just like confirmation that you NEED 2 cosair products in order to use the lighting effects.


If this is the case, that is a shame because not everyone has a setup of just Corsair products.





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You may be confused by the "CUE LINK" option, that indeed needs 2 or more products but it is used only to synchronize the lighting effect across different devices.


If you have only 1 Corsair device that uses CUE you can setup effects for the single device just fine.

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You may be confused by the "CUE LINK" option, that indeed needs 2 or more products but it is used only to synchronize the lighting effect across different devices.


If you have only 1 Corsair device that uses CUE you can setup effects for the single device just fine.


For CUE link the user needs a keyboard. Having a mouse and headset wont let them use CUE link.

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