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Pressing Spacebar from side feel different?


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Hi I just joined the forum after buying this K65 RGB keyboard. I love the sensitivity and pressing feeling. However, few larger keys such as Space bar key, Backspace, Enter, and Shift keys seem to be harder to press when pressing from edge of the key. Space key is harder to press even when pressed from bottom edge..


Is this normal for mechanical keyboard? I used to use Logitech G11 for nearly 10 years and switching to mechanical keyboard is something new to me...



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When the spacebar is removed, inspect the two stabilizers on both sides to make sure its flush with the key switch.


Thanks for the replies!


I would be surprised that +$100 keyboard have this kind of problem from factory... I hope you guys invent a way to improve this.. I will try to reinstall the keys when I get home.


By the way, wouldn't removing the key void warranty? I'm relatively new to keyboard business.. Is there a special method of safely removing the key for this keyboard?

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  • Corsair Employee
The keys can be removed safely without voiding the warranty. We use Cherry stabilizers - the pro is that this means that elongated keys like spacebar, shift, enter, etc. can be removed easily for cleaning. The con is they may feel different than other types of stablizers (which make removing keys very difficult).
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So last night I took the space bar and shift key off and found out the underside was quite dirty.. and I only bought the keyboard less than 48 hours ago!


The dirty substance looked like undried dye of the black paint that is used to color the keyboard keys. They were not liquid but more like powder. Anyhow I tried to clean it using some kleenex and it feels somewhat better to press.


I'm just hoping that the paint dye isn't harmful for my body as I eat a lot while using the keyboard.

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