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Hi all,


Just signed up to this forum and have a question about the 760T. Disclaimer, I'm a complete noob but have wanted to build my own system for quite some time. Gonna do it in the near future and am researching a lot. I like the clear side panels the Coarsairs have and have a couple of questions. I'm big into photography and will want to add a third party card reader to my system. Does this case have the 3 bays to do so along with an optical drive and possibly a fan controller? I will probably add the additional fans and wasn't sure if I would need the fan controller? It looks like it will take all three but would appreciate any advice. I want a full sized system and have read that these Corsairs have tons of room to work in. I think I will need that. Thanks!!:D:

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Hi Rodsman,


yes this case got 3 5.25in bays to support the optical drive, card reader and fan controller you're planning to use.


A fan controller gives you a nice way to adjust the fanspeeds if you're planning to change them constantly. A cheaper way would be to just connect them to your mainboard and let the CPU decide at which speed they are running according to its load. You can also set their speed manually inside the BIOS settings just like you'd do with the fan controller. But that also depends on the mainboard you're planning to use and it's number of fan-headers and the number of fans you're planning to add to the case.


There are also fan controllers with built-in card readers so this might be an option for you :p:


It really depends on the system you're planning to build if you really need a full-size case or not. Like the number of graphics cards and HDDs and so on.

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  • Corsair Employee

@Rodsman - Welcome to the forums! Since you're into photography, hopefully once your build is underway we can see some pics of the progress.


The 760T does have a fan control switch with a "Quiet" and "Performance" setting. Another option to give you more control would be the Corsair Commander Mini which will accept up to 6 fans. And if you're looking to add LED lighting, it can control them as well.

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