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Scimitar Black RGB Not Detected


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Just received my new Scimitar black but my computer is not detecting it. The mouse literally does nothing when plugged into the USB, no lights, tracking, etc. Obviously given this CUE (1.15.36) does not see the device either.


Yet when I plug it into my friend's computer the mouse is instantly recognized and turns on, lights and all.


Any ideas?

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Which motherboard do you have? Did you update the FW to the latest version (2.01) after installing CUE 1.15.36 perhaps? Does CUE recognize the mouse after 5-6 minutes on your computer if you do nothing after you restart/plug it in?


The latest FW is known for having some issues with specific motherboards with older chipsets. As a temporary work-around the best option is to downgrade the FW to the previous version, you can find the ZIP attached to this post by Corsair Henry: http://forum.corsair.com/v3/showthread.php?p=837675#post837675

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I am getting some behavior as you described. I left for about and hour and when I came back the mouse was working. CUE recognized it and updated the firmware to 2.01. So I unplugged/replugged the mouse in to see if it was fully working and again windows could not detect it. Then later it came back on again but only for about a minute.


I can't do anything regarding firmware because that's all driven through CUE, which isn't detecting the mouse, but I don't think downgrading from 2.01 will work since it apparently was already running an older firmware.


I'm guessing it does have to do with my motherboard since it is somewhat old. I can't determine exactly which board I have without opening up the computer later today.



Speecy Readout:

Operating System
Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Intel Core i5 480M @ 2.67GHz	49
Arrandale 32nm Technology
Intel Corp. Base Board Product Name (CPU)


Sys Info Readout:

BIOS Version/Date: INSYDE 2.30, 3/23/2011
SMBIOS Version: 2.6
Embedded Controller Version: 1.90
BIOS Mode: Legacy
BaseBoard Manufacturer: Intel Corp.
BaseBoard Model: Not Available
BaseBoard Name: Base Board

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Ok so I figured out the mouse works just fine with my computer, oddly enough the issue is that it only works if the usb is plugged like 3/4 of the way in. And even then the slightest nudge interrupts the connection. If I plug it all the way in like I'm supposed to it turns off.


Is this not a standard usb connector? Is it defective or malformed?

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This is consistent in all 3 USB ports on my computer and this is the first of many devices to have this issue. Flash drives, other mice, etc, all work fine on my ports.


But it works fine on my friend's computer so.... I'm not really sure what's going on.


I'm going to find a USB to USB adapter to try and bridge the connection. Otherwise I guess I'll just keep it partially plugged in unless that could potentially damage things.

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