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M65 Scroll wheel question


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I just bought the M65 rgb and am experiencing a strange feeling when using the scroll wheel. Sometimes when I scroll up or down it's like something is moving inside the mouse when I stop scrolling. It's like it's tickling me - hard to describe. As I wrote before it happens when I stop scrolling and is not consistent - maybe one out of 4 times.

Is this normal or should I take back the mouse?


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I bought the M65 non RGB like 1 and a half year ago maybe. And the mouse fealt solid, but not the mouse wheel, it was like not really at a fixed point, it was able to move upwards on the one side for maybe a millimeter. I ignored it, and thought that I anyways just want to click down, so there I shouldnt feal that small lack of manufacturing.


I am acually more then happy with the mouse... except of the mouse wheel, the middle mouse button stoped working reliably. I now really have to press up to 3-5 times until it clicks. I am a bit disappointed that the mouse shows its first breakdowns after already 1,5 years. the 5€ MS mouse I had before worked for maybe 10 years, I somehow expected the same from a very high quality Corsair.


Now that maybe a single mouse problem, and not something general, at least I hope so, since I bought the K95 RGB (Very happy with it, like very very happy) And thinking about getting a Corsair Headset.


The issue I have with the Mouse makes the Company not as perfect as it was for me. Could be that I was a little bit of a fanboy, since the products are high quality built and the looks just fit my taste (simple and clean). I got my holidays right now, so I might sent it in after the holidays and hope for a good reaction from Corsair, so I can stay customer...


I thought sharing that here, since the problem I have with my mouse is as well the middle mouse button (Scroll wheel).


If you feal like your mouse has a lack of built quality, you maybe want to write to the support if they want to exchange the product if they think it isnt built as intended...

Since I have a problem at the same spot they might need to look into this, since with the keyboards the esd was discovered by customers as well and they did solve that problem with the next generation...

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OK, so I got another mouse and took the first one back - I had 14 days trial period so it wasn't a problem - and the second one does the exact same thing. I guess it must be how the scroll whell is correcting itself or something. It feels like it turns a bit back (or forth) when I'm scrolling. It works fine so I guess it's no problem. The mouse is so cool in weight, feel and looks :-)
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  • Corsair Employee
OK, so I got another mouse and took the first one back - I had 14 days trial period so it wasn't a problem - and the second one does the exact same thing. I guess it must be how the scroll whell is correcting itself or something. It feels like it turns a bit back (or forth) when I'm scrolling. It works fine so I guess it's no problem. The mouse is so cool in weight, feel and looks :-)


This could also be a result of the scroll wheel being metal, which isn't typical for most mice.

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