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Strafe RGB keyboard pass through ?


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Could someone clarify this for me? In regards to the two USB cables on the keyboard. One has a keyboard symbol and the other a USB symbol. What is the function of each of these?

I use the one USB port on the keyboard itself for my wireless mouse dongle. I have the two USB connectors from the keyboard plugged into two USB 2.0 ports on my PC. (I would like to use a 3.0 USB to connect it to my PC as I have more of them free to use but the keyboard doesn't work at all when I do this!)

I've read that if you use a 3.0 USB port that you will only need to connect the cable stamped with the keyboard symbol. If so what would the other cable be used for?

Sorry to be so obtuse but this is my first PC build and my first Corsaire product!

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Ignore what you've read, the ports recommendations you've read are only for the following keyboards: K70 RGB, K95 RGB and K65 RGB.


Those 3 keyboards I just mentioned require more power for the RGB leds and 1 single USB 2.0 port does not provide enough. And those keyboards do not have a usb pass through either.

For the Strafe RGB the keyboard cable powers the keyboard itself and the other cable needs to be plugged in if you want to us the usb pass through, that's all :):




EDIT: looks like Henry replied while I had the page open :p:

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  • Corsair Employee
So I will still need to plug the other USB cable to a 3.0 USB port as well for pass through use?


Regardless if you have the usb plugged into a usb 2.0 or 3.0, the bandwidth on the passthrough is 2.0, but you will need to plug in both connectors for the passthrough to work.

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