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rma my gs700 and corsair will replace it with a cx750


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recently i get a ticket to rma my gs700 because my cpu connector got burned luckily my motherboard was not affected.after a day corsair respond and they will replace my gs700 to cx750 is it worthy?i research about the cx750 its a tier 3 psu while my psu is tier 2 the cx750 doesnt have a zero rm mode and had only 120mm fan unlike the gs700. is it possible to request a much higher quality than the cx750?
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You will need to contact customer service and ask if they can swap it for a better model or if there are any other options that they can give you.


Most of the times if Corsair does not have a product available for replacement, they usually change it to an item that is similar performing to your faulty unit.

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