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Strafe keyboard presses keys, even when they're not pressed/stuck


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This issue is very weird and I think the keyboard is defective. This issue has not been a problem until now and I've had this keyboard since Christmas. Basically, the keyboard is pressing keys for no reason, even if they are not pressed. I've already checked if any keys are sticky/stuck, and there are none. The problem only has happened on the computer I'm on right now, but when I plugged it in and tested the issue on my laptop, nothing happened, and it worked fine. So I can't tell if its the keyboards issue, my PC's issue, or both. For example, if I go on a playlist on youtube, it skips all the songs and goes to the last one song, (for some reason) and it doesn't make sense. I don't even know what key it could be pressing to cause this. I've tried to check what keys it could be pressing by going into the iCue software and recording a macro and seeing if any buttons are pressed, and none are. Any questions I will try my best to reply. (I did not build the computer, so it might take me awhile to find the exact specs.)
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