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Problems with TR3X6G1600C7 XMP


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I have the following system:

P6T Deluxe V2

Intel Core i7-930



When I tried to use the EXtreme Memory Profile, it set one of the voltages

so high I got a warning that it could permanently damage my CPU.

I was wondering if anyone could help me set the variables manually?


I have the following goal for my system; That it is stable, and that I get

optimal performance out of my memory, that means as close to 1600mhz at

CL7-7-7-20. It is not so important to overclock the CPU, but if I have to, it

should not be a problem, as I have a Thermalright 120 and the chassis has

good air flow. I am going for a CPU clock between 2.8 and 3.4, but as I said, it is not important.


Hope you can help me, as I have little experience with this.

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