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About HumblePrimate

  • Birthday 10/01/1991
  1. Hey Zotty, I'm back. My system was running smoothly for a couple of weeks until there was another firmware update for my cooler. I'm back to having the same issue and am unable to get the firmware update to complete. I'm able to reliably get the cooler to show in ICUE, but it will "crash" after about 30 minutes and my fans lock @ 100%. Is there someplace i can download the firmware file I need for the update in an effort to manually flash it? I can't seem to track it down anywhere.
  2. So It took me about 6 hours to get my H150i working correctly as it wouldn't update firmware out of the box. I was good for about 2 weeks and now it failed another update. If anyone has any sort of permanent fix I'd be interested in hearing it.
  3. So I may have fixed it. I was attempting to follow the methodology in this post https://forum.corsair.com/v3/showthread.php?t=201815. The summary of what I did is as follows: 1. Removed all software that might even possibly conflict. 2. Clean Uninstall w/Registry wipe. Cleared Appdata folders. 3. Shut down computer - Switched off power supply and power cycled to make sure all power was out of the system - waited 1 minute. 4. Rebooted and reinstalled ICUE At this point ICUE was showing my Commander core with the Icon showing the H150i. My plan was to grab the firmware file from my appdata/local/temp folder right when it downloaded and attempt to manually flash. Right when I clicked the update button I noticed a .bin file "Cue....Bin". I dragged this file to my desktop. Somehow that allowed to update to process and I was able to update firmware on the cooler. Everything has been working smoothly for a few hours and i'm able to turn the fans down. I'll monitor this for a few days for any questions about my insane ritual - Hopefully this helps someone else.
  4. Support basically told me to uninstall reinstall it again...Still no luck. So far the pattern seems to be complete uninstall reinstall with a registry wipe and temporary file wipe from "Appdata" Local AND Roaming and then it shows up in ICue briefly. It will allow me to try the firmware update, but usually fails at 0%. I've seen it go as high as 17% before failing. Someone elsewhere posted that they had luck using a seperate USB hub (despite what ICue says) so i'll be trying that as somekind of workaround. If anyone has any advice/things to try please let me know. I've purged my PC of all RGB control/Harware Monitoring or anything that seems like it might conflict. I'm so disappointed. :(:
  5. Thanks for the reply. I saw that post too. I tried to apply similar logic w/My Asus Crosshair VIII Hero and it didn't seem to change anything. I'll play around with any services/processes that in any way might think about possibly one day considering having an impact on RGB/Fan Curves and see if that helps :p:
  6. Hi Zotty, thank you for your reply. I'll go ahead and open a ticket. Last night after I posted I did manage to get it to recognize it as an Elite AIO by unplugging my commander pro and doing clean reinstall/registry wipe. It was letting me adjust fan curves and RGB. As soon as I attempted to update the firmware the update would fail and it would disappear again. I tried this twice. On my final attempt I tried to just leave it on the old firmware as a workaround. After awhile it disappeared again and now i'm stuck with my fans at going at 100%. Hopefully support has some answers :[pouts:
  7. If anyone could help me out here I would be forever in their debt. After hours of troubleshooting I cannot get ICUE to recognize my Commander Core/H150I Elite Capellix Cooler. I have 6 QL fans wires into my Commander Pro/Lightning Node Pro - ICUE picks these up just fine. I have the 3 ML Fans + their RGB connections wired into my Commander Core. The Commander Pro/Lightning node pro are wired into a single USB Header - The Commander Core is wired into a separate USB header. I have tried multiple versions of ICUE and multiple clean uninstalls/reinstalls being sure to delete local files and registry files each time. I have flipped USB headers to rule that out. After a clean install ICUE will pick up the Core briefly, but gives me an error when attempting to update the firmware. I am very close to returning the whole thing and looking for another solution. Any advice is appreciated.
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