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Corsair Link cant detect H100i


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Hello guys , I just build my rig (got it a month now) had no problems so far but today i noticed that my Corsair Link software cant detect the H100i


Everything is Working fine : Fans - Pump - Led ..but the software cant detect the H100i


I got some screenshots here :








Ok now , what i have done to try and solve this problem is , unplug the usb and reconnect it didnt work , i get the message Usb Not Recognised


I tried reboot nothing!


I turned off my machine usb unplugged , powered on again and connect the usb = Success :sunglasse


But after a while Corsair link cant detect the H100i again ..


Got any suggestions on how can i keep it stable working?


Thanks in advance!!

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It appears that Windows is placing the USB part of your H100i into a power saving mode. More info and a link from microsoft on a possible fix follows...




This might apply to Windows7 as well as Windows 8.1 so it's worth giving it a try.


If that does not work, are there any other software programs that might be interfering with USB communication?


It is within the real of possibility (but highly unlikely) that the USB portion of the pump may be sporadically failing in which case an RMA may be the only solution (unless you just want to use the pump without the fan controller, in which case it seems to be working fine from what was posted).

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Thanks for the quick reply ,


Latharion i checked your link , the usb is not under HID so couldnt fix it , also it says its a Windows 8 issue and i'm using 7!


I will try what Toasted suggests ..hope that helps!


Btw i got a pic of what info i get from my device manager (where my faulty connected device is)




It says that windows has stopped this device.

Any way to go round this and turn it back on?


*Update : I did again turn off my pc usb unplugged , turn it on then plugged and worked fine like before!

Usb is under the HID Latharion*

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wa3pnt yes its the correct device.




I just powered the pc , corsair link cant detect the H100i again even though

device manager says its working properly.

Now if i unplug it and plug it back in again windows(7 ultimate) wont recongise it again (and will get the error 43 in device manager check my previous post).


Corsair link only detects the H100i if i power down usb unplugged , power again and plug it! > Not restart <


I'm not sure if this is a power issue regarging the usb connection (since it only responds after shutdown and power on again) or is it a windows - H100i compatibility issue :sigh!:

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The link I posted leads to instructions to turn off the Windows USB power off setting. Apparently Windows 8.1 defaults to this state, where other Windows versions did not, but it is possible that certain motherboards may activate the power saving state by default in their drivers, thus the posted solutions should work.


If you are a slight bit adventurous, try the mentioned registry edit.

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