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Is Tech Support on strike or something??


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I submitted an RMA request last week, and although the system has generated a UPS tracking number for express replacement, nothing has been shipped nor has there been any replies or even an acknowledgement from Corsair regarding my Support Ticket. I also submitted another Ticket just asking for a status update on the first Ticket yesterday, and haven't gotten any kind of response from that either. And, finally, on top of all of that, I having been watching the Live Help box, and it's status has been "Offline" since last week. What's going on?? Is anyone working at Corsair??


My ticket number is 6088692, and it's for two Neutron GTX's that I received as RMA replacements only three months ago. :mad:

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  • Corsair Employee
Your RMA was shipped on the 24th by UPS 1ZA403E21244795105, if the tracking number is not active yet that is not uncommon as we will sometimes ship it from our Factory in Taiwan by bulk Shipment, please give it another few days and you should have the replacement.
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Thank you very much for the reply. Almost immediately after your post I got notification that the RMA was shipped. Only problem now is that I still need to know if I am being sent two drives as I requested in the ticket. If not, then I need to submit a second ticket. Thank you for looking into this. I still don't understand why nobody bothered to take the time to respond to my comments in the ticket though.
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  • Corsair Employee
I am sorry I would not be able to answer that question, but an RMA can only be for one item, unless you had called our customer service by phone and spoke with them. A lot of the RMA system is automated and in some cases there is no human intervention. I would suggest calling our customer service by phone at http://www.corsair.com/us/company/contact/ to get that worked out.
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