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H80 missing screw replacement


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Hey I have a question for you. I lost a screw that I need to be able to use my H80. I contacted Corsair and they want me to do a full RMA. I think that's a little ridiculous to send in everything just so I can get one screw. I was approved an RMA, but I think it's ridiculous that I should ship my H80 out just for one freaking screw. And I'm not about to spend $20 to get a whole new kit. So my real question is are you guys able to send just the screw or something?
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  • 1 year later...
i broken one of my screws when i typing it "the long one" LGA 1150 BOARD, is it there anyway i can get a screws please ? i dont want log a RMA ticket.or buy the whole package for $20 for just a screw. i just bought it like few weeks ago from newegg. my new build i7 4770k " i love Corsair products" my both pcs parts are corsair. THANKS
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