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Case #5308569


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My case was about a faulty 600t white fan control / usb ports, i submit my RMA in 2012.11.26. According to the last massage :

" Dear Valued Corsair Customer,

We apologize for any inconvenience you have encountered with your Corsair product. We have received & approved your online RMA"


As the massage say i didn't need to send back the faulty part i did not recive so far anything neither got any massage from tech support if i shoud do anything, or fill out anything .

Wondering if i did anything rong or i might have missed an email but i checked and non of the corsair mail's was delivered to spam i got all of them still.

Any help is welcomed.




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  • Corsair Employee
I am sorry about that I have sent a message to our customer service for you, but if you do not hear from them in the next 24 Hours I would suggest calling them by phone the number is listed under contact on the main site.
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