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I purchased the Flash Voyager GTR 64GB several months ago and it has been giving me problems from the get-go. Just had someone put a lot of important information on it yesterday after finally, finally getting his computer to recognize it after an hour or so of the blue flashing. Well, now I cannot get any computer to recognize the device. Tried three machines today. All it does is flash blue. All that time and effort yesterday wasted. I will find the receipt and ask for a refund. Don't want a new flash drive from Corsair after reading all the failure issues on the internet about these flash drives. Burned big time here, won't put trust in any Corsair product again. Not worth the risk. Never have had this problem with any other flash drives, even the cheapos.
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Wow. So many failed products like mine. So many unhappy people like me. I'll see how the RMA thing works. I suspect I can't get a refund since I bought the thing from a local MicroCenter. Doubt they will refund me because the drive is 9 months old. Hope the replacement Corsair sends me doesn't also fail, which I am reading is often the case. Wow again. What a waste of money.
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