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Battlefield 4 Platoon Info

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Armoured Kill is out! :)


Here are some server suggestion for the Corsair 64p server some taken from our clan server.


1. Don't use a "Custom" preset as it makes the server harder to find. Best is "Normal" as that is the default setting for the server browser.

2. Change the maplist to Armoured Kill or popular vanilla maps such as Caspian Border, Kharg Island, etc.

3. Increase to ticket count to 200% (600 Tickets) as 300 tickets would be too short for a 64p server.

4. Setup a PBBans Stream to prevent cheaters

5. Server name would probably be better with "Corsair Vengeance - Armoured Kill"

6. Add a server description eg you can use the one that is in GameTracker "The official Corsair BF3 server, for Corsair and Corsair Vengeance Gaming peripheral product fans."

7. Add useful plugins such as True Balancer or !votekick if admins are not on. Both of them can be obtained by using a PROCON which is a RCON.

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