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Asus P8P67 Deluxe and CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9 computer freezing


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  • 5 months later...
I have been having problems with random freezes on my system for several months now: Asus P8P67 Deluxe MB, Corsair XMS3 (2x4GB) CMX8GX3M2A1600C9, Intel Core i7-2600K, Windows 7 64 bit. I recently updated the motherboard BIOS to version 1702, no change. Then adjusted memory speed in the BIOS down from 1600 to 1333MHz (which never worked in the old bios, along with XMP mode). System now seems completely stable - no freezes for a week. Interestingly CPU temps are also down by a massive 25 degrees or so (from high 50's to low 30's)!! Definitely a much happier box ... :biggrin:
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  • 4 months later...

OK, time to revive this thread a little :)


I've been having the same problems with the P8P67 Pro and CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9 memory. I've been pretty lazy because it's been an issue since I built the system in February and I haven't been able to get around to resolving it. I'm close to RMA'ing the board back to Asus or the retailer but it would be good to get some background info first...


It looks as though....from the main Corsair site...the RAM is compatible with the board. Does anyone know if the Bios update resolves the problem by allowing lower RAM speed? And if so, is there a resolution that will allow me to keep using the memory at 1600mhz? I'd like to think that if Corsair are able to claim compatibility with this board the RAM can be used at full speed :)

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