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HX620 3-12V rails @ 18A each, how are rails seperated?


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I have been having issues with my GTX 280 video card and I am suspecting my PSU may be at fault.


The HX620 specs (online from resources at Corsair site) show 3-12V rails each at 18A. I am wondering how this differs from the TX650 which shows 1-12V at 52A? I have the two PCI-E connectors connected to my card for power right now and I am wondering if they are from different rails.....


Also are the power specs for the HX620 peak or RMS output?



History on my problem:

I play WOW and when Cataclysm came out I updated my Nvidia driver to 260.99. Thats when all my problems started (I know you are thinking its probably a driver problem then but I have been down that path, if your interested I have an nvidia forum post going that I can link you to). The issue seems to occur when my card throttles up its clock rates to 3d mode. Every now and then my screen corrupts and PC hangs (no BSOD and not the PSOD if your an nvidia reader).

So the reason I suspect my PSU is because when I first built my computer I had a nearly identical issue. I traced the issue down to a 2-4 pin to 8 pin connector that came with the card (I was using that instead of the one that came with my PSU). There was a loose pin in the connector that caused a Vdrop under load that would crash the video card.

I have read all the information I can about the symptoms other people are having with cards overheating, dieing etc. but my problem is not the same.


Anyway back to the question at the top?

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I'm re-using my HX-620 for a new build, and asked a similar question a while back. Here's the reply:


The HX620 actually has a single 12v rail capable of providing 50A so you should not have any problems at all. The HX620 and HX520 were first produced when the ATX spec said that you could not have more than 20A on any single 12v rail, so virtual rails were created in order to meet these specs. Currently there is no such limitation and all HX620 PSUs should operate as a single 12v rail PSU.
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  • Corsair Employee
I'm re-using my HX-620 for a new build, and asked a similar question a while back. Here's the reply:


That's exactly correct. Functionally, the HX620 operates just like any other single rail PSU, and in reality, it IS a single rail PSU.

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