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TWIN2X4096-6400C5DHX failed again

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Yesterday I had a set of blue screens on Windows 7, and "Who Crashed" was inconclusive about the failure. At the fourth reboot I had Memtest 86+ ready and rebooted from the DVD drive - red screens with consistent memory failures. I am very concerned about this memory now, as I had a set fail after a year with no problems, two replacement sets dead on arrival, and now this set has failed after about 10 weeks. I don't do any game playing. I would like Corsair to consider replacing this memory with something else - is this possible?


I put in an RMA request last night, but realised later that I said I had CM2x2048 - 6400C5DHX, which is one of the modules.


I am now operating with 2GB of Elixir memory from my old XP system.

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