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Blue Screen with 3b errors and frozen fuzzy picture


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I am currently putting together a computer with a Asus M4A88T-M, AMD 965, and 8 gigs of CMP4GX3M2A1600C9 (4 sticks of 2gig). I was not able to get any stability until talking to Asus. Currently running with on board video until new video card comes in mail. I have the memory volts to 1.76 and speed set to 1333. I am still having issues with system freezes and blue screens specifically when I do any type of streaming video or have more than about 4 windows open. I am interested in any feedback someone can give me. I am NOT an expert, but have put together working machines before. I am also uses win 7 professional 64 bit. Going to try memtest right now. Haven't had any luck with the Iso burned dvd. Am trying the flash drive this time.




Tried to run Memtest and screen frooze before it was able to finish. I would like to see if there is a different mobo that would give me better results.

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