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3.3v rail not at spec - could this cause boot/GPU problems?


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Hello all,


I have a HX1000 PS. All the rails are spec at idle and load except the 3.3v rail. It idles at 3.28 and under load goes down to 3.26v. All other rails stay at spec under load. I have no system instability once it's up an running.


Here's the problem:

I have a 4870X2 GPU; a power-sucking beast of a card. For the past couple of months, the MB will not boot most of the time with the 4870 in there. It will boot with a 8800GT or other lower-powered card. I have tried three different motherboards (getting tired of swapping them out!) and three diff GPUs and the problem is present with all three MBs and the 4870 but not the other low powered GPUs. I should add that the 48070X2 is a refurbed card I received from Sapphire when my original one died. However, the card ran fine for about 3 months, until this issue popped up.


IMO, this means either my GPU is bad or the low 3.3v rail on my PS is causing the problem. I'd like your opinions before I either order an expensive new GPU or an expensive PS. BTW: The Corsair PS warranty is how many years? Thanks.


Mike D

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Hi Wired, thanks for the reply. For the idle voltage, I got the reading from the BIOS. Readings in Hardware Monitor match the BIOS. I also get my under load reading from Hardware Monitor (CPUID puts out HW monitor proggy). For loading I run 4 instances of Prime95. I am leaning towards the 4870 being the culprit, but wanted to post here to see what the experts thought. This HX1000 ran for almost two years powering a dual-quadcore Xeon box with 10 HDs! It was a video editing workstation. Not a single hiccup. Electronic parts do go bad, however. Hence my post here. Thanks for your help.
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Now I'm really confused. I decided to download the latest version of HW monitor (1.16). Now my readings are totally different! WTH? :confused: Now my 3.3v line is fine but the 5v & 12v looks pretty low. This screenshot was taken at idle. Also, when gaming, I keep crashing to the desktop. I just did a clean load of W7_64/drivers and games last night. Not looking good. Up to this point, the HW program led me to believe my 3.3v line was off. Now it looks like it's worse. Thoughts?



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software monitoring is frequently unreliable. best bet is use a digital DVOM right at the 24 pin cable to see the true outputs.


Oh wow. I just did that. With P95 running. All voltages are above spec. :bigeyes: W_T_H? I'm shocked. I've got other problems, obviously. Got to try a few things. BBL.

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