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TX750W Out of box problems


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I am currently trying to complete a homebuild. The last part i needed was the Power Supply, i heard good things about corsair and i decided to go with them.


I when it came time to connect the AC from PS to the wall, nothing happened, no power, th fans didnt even twitch. I dont know what to do next, i can return the PS to the retailer but i would leave that as a last resort option. If anyone can offer any advice i would really appreciate it.

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  • Corsair Employee
Remember little things like... right connections of the case cables to the motherboard... both 24 and 8 cables from the psu to the motherboard, make sure all cables are properly seated and last but not least, make sure the PSU button is on...


Good checklist of things to check out. You can also try the paperclip test to see if the PSU is able to respond to a power on signal. If you verify that the PSU is faulty, then please Request an RMA.

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