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problems with TW3X4G1333C9A + MSI H55M-E33


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Hello, i have just bought some new parts for my pc, including mobo MSI H55M-E33, intel i3 processor and dual channel ddr3 TW3x4g1333c9a, it started with BSOD, i've tested with memtest and i was getting errors, i have tested each card separately and there was no error, i have switched the cards (on the right slots but switched the places) and worked fine for a day, than BSOD, i have updated the bios and worked fine for another day than BSOD, if i put one card it will work fine but on dual i'm getting BSOD, please let me know what is the right manual settings for this kind of ram or what else should i do (i have allready made the settings as the label on them)


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one card at a time works fine but when i put both i had problems until i switch the voltage to 1,5 (1,6 was on automatic settings) like the specs of the ram... i did a memtest and they apear to have no problems, here is a photo of the test (but the BSOD continues, now with other errors, like drivers or corupted files)


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