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CMX4GX3M2A1600C9 + MSI p55-GD65 BSOD


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Hello, I just recently purchased the ram, mobo, and cpu listed in my specs and installed them. Everytime I boot up to the desktop, I would maybe have anywhere from 1-5 minutes before I would suddenly get a BSOD. I figured that it was an issue with the ram, but I didn't know what it was, so I just removed one of the ram sticks to see what would happen. When I boot up with one of them, I don't encounter any noticeable problems at all. I tested this out booting up with each ram stick individually, and there doesn't seem to be any issue. After testing them out individually, I put them back both back in again, and the BSODs continued.


I ran memtest with each of the sticks individually and did not receive any errors. I ran it again with both sticks and I received errors #4, #5, and #8. I'm not sure what's wrong or how to further troubleshoot this, so I would appreciate some guidance.



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So I booted up today with just one stick of ram thinking that I shouldn't have any problems, and the first thing that happens when I get to the desktop is a BSOD. I restarted again and managed to get to the desktop, but explorer.exe kept constantly crashing and I couldn't open up any programs. I ran memtest with this single stick and I didn't get any errors. After the third restart, everything worked normally again.
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So today, I decided to go back to Microcenter, where I bought my my new parts, and I replaced the ram with the same model to see if it was the ram that was the issue. When I installed the new ram, the BSOD popped up at the desktop screen quickly. I don't know if this is a compatibility issue with the motherboard, a defective mobo, or something else. I haven't tried increasing voltage yet so I'll see how that turns out.


EDIT: Guess I can't change the voltage. oh well. I ran memtest with two sticks again and was receiving errors #1, 2, 3 and 4. Memtest eventually crashed not too far in.

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