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R60 (CSSD-R60GB2-BRKT) not detected by BIOS


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I just bought a brand new CSSD-R60GB2-BRKT drive & installed a fresh OS on it (win7 x64) and started to enjoy the performance boost.


After some times (about 2 days) I just booted my computer and the system would just keeping reboot after POST : drive was not present (not detected in the BIOS). I had to move it to antoher SATA port for it to work again. After a short period, problem again. Mooving the drive to the 3rd port made it work again... And again yesterday, I had to moove it to the 4th SATA port of my mobo.


I have set the ACHI mode in the BIOS and in win7 (using the registry tweak here) and that didn't made any difference.


What's wrong with this drive ?

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Hi Spycoh


As a fellow CSSD-R60GB2 owner, may I invite you to take a read through this thread feel free to comment, I'm hoping to consolidate all R60 BIOS issues in this thread.

Your experiences are also similar to these with respect to:


I just bought a brand new CSSD-R60GB2-BRKT...about 2 days.. booted.... drive was not present (not detected in the BIOS). I had to move it to antoher SATA port for it to work again. After a short period, problem again. Moving the drive to the 3rd port made it work again... And again yesterday, I had to moove it to the 4th SATA port of my mobo.


This is also my experience, and current problem.


What's wrong with this drive ?


A lot of us would like to know the answer to *that* question. :[pouts:

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