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cm2x1024-8500c5d bsod


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one of my sticks is showing errors on memtest.

I have 4 sticks,two of which were replace by corsair a while ago, now the replacements are faulty again,the problem is that the sticks they sent me didn't match the other pair,so now i have 1.5 the bad part and 2.0 the OK ones.

I submitted a request for an RMA but havent heard nothing yet,I would like to see if i could send all 4 sticks to get them properly matched or exchange for 2 sticks x2 gigs


thank you


Edit: as I was posting this i just got the rma # lol now just waiting for an answer to my question

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the suggestion,I did call and they were most helpful and did the exchange for me.

I've received the replacement today and they are working just great all I can say is this is why I only buy corsair memory for all my systems and friends as well,not only they work excellent but when something goes wrong, they stand by their products and their customer service is 2nd to none.


thank you

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