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Sorry for taking your thread Gomer, but one question about xms3 and dominators. I have dominator ddr3 TR3X6G1600C8D ver. 3.2 (one of them part 09201261). They're 1 year old. Now I want to purchase 1 kit more but I don't know why in my country dominator is cheaper than xms3 with same name (TR3X6G1600C8 except of "D" which if i'm right means that cool dissipator :-D ) for roughly 40 dollars? Is there some difference between old dominators and maybe new xms3? I can go in store and tell them to show me part numbers of xms3s and dominators if it's neccessary.


Thanks in advance




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It's impossible to give module specifics without knowing part numbers AND version numbers from the new modules. If you are asking if you can mix them, then the best answer we can give is maybe. It cannot be guaranteed and the ONLY way to know is to install them and test them together.
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