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Memory for Asus P7H55-M


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I think I have already solved my problem but would appreciate if an expert could give their opinion.




I have bought the above mentioned MB and the RAM recommended by the configurator.


At first when I built the system it wouldn't POST, I soon found out that it would run with only 1 memory module installed. I tried all sorts of combinations with little success, sometimes it would post but not boot into windows.


Eventually I checked the memory voltage settings in the BIOS which said [auto]. The default was listed as 1.5v so I changed it to 1.65v and so far it seems to be running fine (for a whole 10 mins so far!).


Is that all I needed to do?


If this memory is Guaranteed-Compatible why does it not work under default settings? I realise that this is probably the fault of the MB not the memory? Does the SPD not tell the MB what voltage to use?


Thanks for any information given.



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