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TR3X6G1866C9DF -> P# 2 Expand to 12Gigs

Roger Rines

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My TR3X6G1866C9DF has been in a EVGA_x58_SLI_MB (132-BL-E758) since last October and the memory kit works perfectly with a i920.


I would like to expand the memory so there is 12-or-18-Gigs of space available. For certain it would be easy to buy another TR3X6G1866C9DF matched set with the same 3-sticks + a fan, but buying a second fan kits feels too much like paying for something that won't get used.


Is there another part number available so the another 6-Gigs, or even 3-sticks for 12Gigs. Most important is to memory chips trouble free like they are now?

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Ideally, you need to add the EXACT same memory to your existing memory for the best chance of trouble free operation. Mixing kits of memory that were not purchased together is not suggested as we cannot test them together to verify stable operation at 1866. Also, due to the load of 6 modules, you might be forced to run the memory at less than 1866. However, the only way to know for sure is to install and test.
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Thanks for the help Yellowbeard.


In reading your message it seems like the best approach would have been to purchase two matched modules at the same time. It also implies I should just wait until 4-gig modules are released as a kit to get to 12-gigs. Am I getting the message you intended?


Can you tell me if the Power Supply, 650-watts w/adjustable voltage controls, or if the mother board EVGA x58, is the source of where the memory voltage might be compromised with the added memory module watt load?

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Thanks for the help Yellowbeard.


In reading your message it seems like the best approach would have been to purchase two matched modules at the same time. It also implies I should just wait until 4-gig modules are released as a kit to get to 12-gigs. Am I getting the message you intended?


You can get a 12GB kit with 6 x 2GB modules or 3 x 4GB modules. And yes, modules need to be purchased in kits.



Can you tell me if the Power Supply, 650-watts w/adjustable voltage controls, or if the mother board EVGA x58, is the source of where the memory voltage might be compromised with the added memory module watt load?
If I understand your question, the voltage adjustments are in the MOBO BIOS.
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