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I7 VTT for Dominator XMS?


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Hi all, I recently had a problem with this new build of mine and data corruption due to what I believe is low voltage settings. Rather than type in all the stuff, I hope it's not against the forum rules to link to my information on the EVGA forums. http://www.evga.com/forums/tm.asp?m=100921865


To make a long story short, I bumped up my I7 bus to 166 which took it to 3.3ghz or so. This produced horrible data corruption in short order since the stock setting of the RAM was 1.5V in the bios and it was running at 1600mhz XMS setting and 9-9-9-19.


After a little work on this, I set the modules up at 1600mhz and 1.65V and bumped the VTT up by 100mv to clear a very rare BSOD.


Well, after about another week I got a BSOD while putting it to S3 sleep, so I went into the BIOS and bumped VTT by another 50mv. The BSOD error was machine_exception_error 07 I believe.


My question, how much further can VTT reasonably go? I ask because many of the ram experts on the EVGA forums state that 1600+ memory may need as much as a +200 or +300mv increase to run stable.


Currently, I have no issues, memtest runs fine and Prime ran for 4 hours the other day with no errors, but I have a feeling that in a week or so I might see another BSOD on standby and be back in the BIOS wondering if another 50mv might solve it?


thanks for any input.

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  • Corsair Employee

The voltage you can run will depend on the core of the CPU.

If its a "C0" Stepping CPU the max I would sue for the CPU VTT/QPI VTT would be about 1.70-1.75 Volts

If its a "D0" Stepping CPU the max I would sue for the CPU VTT/QPI VTT would be about 1.40-1.45 Volts.

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The voltage you can run will depend on the core of the CPU.

If its a "C0" Stepping CPU the max I would sue for the CPU VTT/QPI VTT would be about 1.70-1.75 Volts

If its a "D0" Stepping CPU the max I would sue for the CPU VTT/QPI VTT would be about 1.40-1.45 Volts.


Thanks Ramguy, I do have a D0 revision chip. So far with a +150mv VTT it seems to be fine. I installed win7 release yesterday and have been working/installing/playing games almost non-stop since with only single freeze with Crysis settings maxed.


No BSOD or chkdsk prompts or anything of the sort. I'm quite happy with my corsair memory. This is the 7th build I've put at least 2gb of Corsair into, even replacing netbook memory out of the box for my wife's hp mini.

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