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Motherboard/Memory frustration


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I’ve installed Windows 7 (pre release) 64bit and I’m frequently getting the Blue Screen Of Death, mostly related to IRQL_NOT_EQUAL NOT_LESS type issues, but they are random.


I’ve run memtest a number of times and the memory comes back clean. Yesterday I experienced another crash and on a reboot, I tested the memory which came back faulty. Not convinced the memory was faulty, I took each memory module out and tested it in each slot without any errors, then again all back in the slots without any error.


I haven’t changed any BIOS settings and running the default.


Everything points to a hardware problem, but I can’t seem to narrow it down.


Does anybody have any advice?

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  • Corsair Employee

That type of error would suggest a memory or resource problem and since the memory testing with out errors I would suspect the latter would be the cause.

Do you have any PCI Cards in the system other than the Video Card?

Also do you have the latest BIOS version?

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