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2 pairs of TWIN2X4096-6400C5C - BSOD


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I recent bought 4 pairs of TWIN2X4096-6400C5 and installed 2 pairs of the modules on mine computer. It rans fine for few days, but know I got BSOD at least 2 times/day and programs are crashing all the time. In event viewer i got alot of errors, ex: Application Popup referers to memory problem and after many hours of searching for what caused all the BSODs/crash. I took out 1 pair of the modules and went back to 4GB setup. No errors in event viewer, no application crash, BSODs and looks like its the 8GB setup which causing all the troubles I got recents?



Both pairs of the memory I used do have same version 4.3/CM2X2048-6400C5C and "LOT nr" 09310611 are the same.

So it might be I got wrong settings in BIOS?


Any recommendations Im gotta use, to run 2 pairs of these for 8GB setup?

The memorys setting in BIOS are all set to AUTO and CPU-Z reports:

DRAM - 400Mhz

FSB:DRAM - 5:6



Have already ran Vista Memory Diagnostic Tool and reports no errors. Tried to run it with Memtest86+, but couldnt, it hanged at Loading...and used the Vista one instead.


So pls, can i have any help with this? Would like to use 8GB. :)

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I have the same deal , but i have the 1066mhz of those , it does exactly the same , the problem is (from what i heard) is when you fillup your memory slots , the memory controler has trouble controlling them. (at max freq)


What i done was with mine , was to reduce the freq of the ram .

Mines ware 1066mhz , and i dropped them down to 800mhz,

You should drop yours down to 667mhz,


However , you should wait for somebody to reply with some timmings/voltages etc , for your config, so you know its gonna work like it should.


I assure you , that if you drop them down a notch , they're gonna work like a peach, its just a matter of settings you have to enter in there.

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  • Corsair Employee
With 4 modules I would suggest setting the memory frequency at DDR667 and set the memory Voltage to 2.1 Volts and set the NB/MCH/SPP Voltage to +.2 Volts as well and test the system with http://www.memtest.org. In addition, with some MB's (Mostly ASUS) you have to disable legacy USB in the bios when running any memory test.
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  • 2 weeks later...

After turn mine RAID 0 off and I could run Memtest86+. Directly I got alot errors on start and found out, one of the new 4GB kits was faulty. Have send it back to the store I bought it from and waiting for new ones. But the question is, should I keep trying for 8GB setup, since chance might I wont get same version/LOT nr and which can cause problems?

Anyway, any recommendation settings on Gigabyte EP45-DS5 and these memorys?

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