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Stutter/freeze S128 when watching HDTV


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I'm using my S128 as the primary HD in my media center and I normally have no problems at all with it. The only issue I have is that when I watch HD TV channels the computer stutter and freezes for about a second every 30 seconds or so. It appears as if the flushing to disk (PVR) is having some issues - it looks like the amout of data that has to be streamed to disk is more than my setup can cope with.


I can use the drive somewhere else if this isn't an ideal use of the SSD (lot's of flush writes), but I would like to know if this isn't normal and may indicate that either the disk is faulty or I need to configure something.



I found another thread here stating a similar problem with S128 and you suggested RTM.


It was a fresh install of Win 7 RC 7100.




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etol,Thanks for the post,my P128 purchase is on hold as of now. The Forum is pretty well littered with various 'stuttering" issues,I will wait for the dust to clear.


I want to install that 345.00 SSD with a fresh Win 7 install and see no trouble at all,this request is not unreasonable.

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It is live TV - so yes it's streaming (to disk). It comes in via the Firewire port and is buffered (PVR functionality) on disk. It will be the write performance that would be the issue here.


I'm able to watch Blu-Ray movies without any problems so at least I know that my system is capable of handling HD content.


It's a fresh install of Win7, so it's about 90GB free space.


I'm not saying it is the disk that is the problem, but it's one of the suspects :)

I'm not familiar with the algorithm the Media Center uses for flushing to disk either (time based or buffer fill rate etc), I just witness the effect...


The disk itself gives a nice 7 in the Win 7 performance index.


Anything else I should check? Any particular performance check I should run?

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