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M2n32 Sli (6400c4)


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I hate to post on topics that have already been covered but I just have to ask, I upgraded from a 939 setup,(love the3500ll pro but its time to move on) every thing was going fine, but during win install the system locked up no key board and mouse , no big reset and pick up where I left off then it happened again so 3rd times a charm windows installed! Memory in bios all auto at this point, freezing and bsod's in windows during driver installs, to the bios to check the settings set

2.1v 4-4-4-12 2T = win not loading, crash and restarts, manually set 1.9v 5-5-5-18 2T= boot into windows but still issues, running but not right, system would hang for a bit and then it would work.


Memtest86 was dispatched (standard test)


Test run.1 (stick#1 and #2)

MEM:TWIN2X2048-6400C4 both sticks installed dual channel a1+b1(yellow)

400 ddr(800) cas 5-5-5-18 2T 1.8v (no errors 2 passed)


Test run.2 (stick#1 and #2)

MEM:TWIN2X2048-6400C4 both sticks installed dual channel a1+b1(yellow)

400 ddr(800) cas 4-4-4-12 2T 2.1v ( test 5 aprox 7minutes in errors reported

not one or two I stooped testing @ 300k)


Test run 3 (stick#1)

MEM:TWIN2X2048-6400C4 one stick installed single channel bank-a1(yellow)

400 ddr(800) cas 4-4-4-12 2T 2.1v (test 5 errors, 2 passes, total of 6 errors)


Test run 4 (stick#1)

MEM:TWIN2X2048-6400C4 one stick installed single channel bank-b1(yellow)

400 ddr(800) cas 4-4-4-12 2T 2.1v (test 5= errors)aprox 45min same as all the above.


Test run 5 (stick#2)

MEM:TWIN2X2048-6400C4 one stick installed single channel bank-a1(yellow)

400 ddr(800) cas 4-4-4-12 2T 2.1v (1 passed in 25 minutes. 3 passes just to be sure=Passed no errors)


Test run 6 (stick#2)

MEM:TWIN2X2048-6400C4 one stick installed single channel bank-b1(yellow)

400 ddr(800) cas 4-4-4-12 2T 2.1v (1 passed in aprox 25 minutes. 3 passes just to be sure=Passed no errors)


From the information I gather according to memtest, one of my sticks is either wood, or weighs less than a duck!= witch = burn her!

What does the Ram Guy think?

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