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I've run into some problems with the RAM modules listed in the topic. They've been running fine for about 9 months now. The other day I came to find that while running windows I could no longer access any of my programs. I kept getting an error message saying the file was missing or corrupt. I proceeded to reboot the computer and was given an error message that said "windows\system32\config\system" is missing or corrupt.


That same error message directed me to try to repair my windows installation which I attempted to do. While trying to repair it kicked me to a blue error message screen where it would normally list a faulty driver, here instead it just listed a memory location.


I thought it might be a problem with my RAM and decided to try to remove some of the ram in the system. Upon removing the Corsair modules and leaving in another set that I have, everything functioned normally and hasn't given me any trouble.


I'd like to get an RMA number so I can have them sent in and replaced if possible.



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The other RAM is not Corsair.


Even without it in there (and only the Corsair installed) the system still exhibits the same behavior.


I just ran Memtest86+ (with only the corsair) and after only 25% of a pass it had generated over 330,000 errors.


I looked up the CPU and Memory information in the BIOS also (if this is not what you were looking for let me know)



AMD Athlon 64x2 4400+


FSB Multiplier



CLK 166 Mhz

Tcl 3.0 CLK

Tras 7 CLK

Trrd 2CLK

Trfc 11 CLK

Trwt 4 CLK

Read Preamble 6.0ns

Asynchronous Latency 7ns

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  • Corsair Employee
With just our modules installed load setup defaults and then set the memory Voltage to 2.75 Volts and set the timings manually to the tested settings from the link in my signature. Cas 2-3-3-6 (TCL, TRCD, TRP, TRAS) 2t C/R.
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