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X38T DQ6 , xms twin3x 2048 1333 c9g won't post at 1333 MHz


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I have a GA x38T dq6 using a q6600

xms twin3x 2048 1333c9g

works perfectly well with SPD defaults at 1066 (266)

CPU is stable running at 3G, 9 x 333 (1.28V)

running with 4:5 divider, cpu at 333 ram at 266


however when I try to run RAM at 1333 (333) it won't post


have set ddr3 voltage to 1.7V

have manually set 9-9-9-9-24-2T


x38T DQ6 bios version F5

bios has additional other settings which I have left at normal/auto

it would appear that I will need to manually set these other settings to get ram to work

colleague has identical setup which works for him.


what am i missing?

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