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Did my mobo just die?


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Hello, new to forums etc :D


Just installed a corsair HX520 into my ageing system (ASUS P4P800, Corsair TwinX 2048 PC3200, audigy 2, P4 2.4 @3.25, 256mb xfx 6600GTxxx edition, Temps were at 28-38 for HDD's, 34idle 48load on CPU, 32idle 446 load on mobo and 45 idle 78 load on gpu) as i finally decided the qtec 550w POS that was in it (had been sitting in it ever since the hiper type r 580W i had died about a year and a half ago now, dont flame...it was a spare and the system isnt power hungry enough without the 7950gt in it to challange even that) needed to go so that i could put in my shiny 7950gt without fear of the qtec blowing up in my face.


System has been running fine for 3 years (ish), the hiper PSU died over a year ago so its not any dmg caused by that. Was on and fine, turned off, installed new shiny Corsair PSU (remembering to plug in the 4pin and unclipping the 4pin part of the 24pin so it would fit etc) and connected everything up).

Pressed the power button and everything seemed to power on, except i had no VGA output on either of my monitors. Check everything is plugged in, check again, and again, then try just core components, try the other video card i have with single/dual monitor combinations on both (both GFX Cards were working fine previsouly).


Still, i get no display on either monitor (they are both in standby) also i have now noticed that my keayboard (lighted) and my mouse do not flash at boot up and dont come on at all during what would be the ASUS flash screen. after its powered on (all fans/lights spinning) i can hear the HDD's making there normal startup noises etc and everything internally "looks" ok. But if i press the power switch once it doesnt turn off my PC, i HAVE to hold it in to get it turn off.


Yes i have reset the cmos, and reseated all components except the CPU as i dont have any spare thermal paste atm, to no avail. I have put the old power supply back in, in exactly the same state my PC was before i did all this, and i cant get that to boot either now (does the same). There is also no network activity and i cant remote into my PC. The mobo Green standby light is on.


Sorry for long post but wanted to make sure i give as much information as possible. Anyone else got any ideas that i haven't already tried?

ANY advice would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Corsair Employee
The only way to know for sure if this problem is caused by the mobo or PSU, would be to test the PSU in a different system. If the same thing happens in a different system then we definitely want to get it replaced, however if it functions normally, then you might want to RMA your motherboard.
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surely it would be the mobo since i have tried it with my old power supply (still works in another system)?


I will try the corsair one in another system at work, where if it breaks it its under hp's warrenty, as i dont really want to test it in my other PC at home and have it kill that ones mobo as well if it is a faulty PSU.


No chance on RMA'ing the board as its so old now, will just buy a new board after ive checked if the psu works....there goes my cheap stop over gap of a 7950gt and a new psu to last me for a few months will i can afford my new system lol.

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It really sounds like mobo to me too. However as ramguy said only way to know is to test. Since I have the stuff here I test all the parts to find out however that isnt always possible. Even a bad stick of ram can cause those symptoms. You did try just psu, mobo, cpu and video right? No hdd's, cdroms, ram etc hooked up. And still no post? Should atleast get a beep error code (if mobo spk is hooked up that is-most soldered on now).


Good luck with your testing. Bad mobos can be a pain to figure out. Just pulled a Intel apart yesterday with bad mainboard, it just up and shutoff on the user to never power on again, was only about 8 months old too-bestbuy deal she got. Of course bestbuy said need entire new pc-the whole thing is fried. They must have figured, it no power----it bad. hahaha $30 mobo later shes back in buisness.

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just tested the PSU, the 7950gt and my RAM in another PC here at work and all of them work absolutly fine. I did try my PC with just mobo/video etc but it still didnt work.


Must have been after being on nearly 24/7 overclocked that it finally decided to give up, or when the qtec was in it it did some damage :D


Thanks for the help guys, and im glad that the PSU does work as it can now go into my rebuild

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