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P5N32-E SLI PLUS+TwinX2048-8500C5D


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Hi smart peoples.


I have some problems with my new 4x Corsair Dominator CM2X1024-8500C5D.


Here is my configuration:

- Intel Quad-Core Q6600

- Asus P5N32-E SLI PLUS Bios v. 0805

- 2x Corsair Dominator TwinX2048-8500C5D (4GB RAM)

- Gigabyte GeForce 8800 GTS 320

- Segate Barrcuda 7200.10 SATAII NCQ 320GB

- Samsung SP SATA NCQ 250 GB

- SB X-Fi Fatal1ty

- Windows Vista Home Premium x64

- rest is no matter.


My problem is: i cant switch up memory to 1066 MHz. Everything work propetly on 800MHz with 5-5-5-15-2T. When i use option in BIOS 'SLI-Ready Memory' Windows is unstable and Memtest show errors. If i set RAM manually Memtest show errors. PLZ HELP ME. HOW TO MAKE THIS MODULES ON 1066 MHz ON THIS MOTHERBOARD. WHAT I SHOULD SET UP ON BIOS TO DO THAT?


PS. Sorry for my english ;)

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  • Corsair Employee

I am sorry but with 4 modules on that MB DDR800 would be suggested. But you can try these settings and see if it will run or pass http://www.memtest.org.

SLi ready: Disabled

Memory Voltage: 2.1v

NForce SPP Voltage: 1.5v or NB Core Voltage: 1.4v

CPU FSB Voltage 1.4

TCL: 5


TRP: 5

TRAS: 15

Command Per Clock: 2

TRC: 24


In addition, with some MB's (Mostly ASUS) you have to disable legacy USB in the bios when running any memory test.


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I have the same mobo and 4 gig DDR and its been running at 900mzh @ 1.9v for past few weeks. Im certain Ill get this past 1000mzh once i OC the northbridge when I get back from China and spend time tweaking.


4 gigs of 8500C5D DDR seems to work more stable on the P5N32-E SLI PLUS at 1.9v-1.925v and Ive read that others have found this too on the asus forums. try reducing the volts and see if you get more stability at higher frequencies.


its really worth noting that your actualy overclocking your mobo (not DDR) to get 4 gigs working at higher speeds than 800mzh and will need to increase northbridge vots slightly because of the increased load of 4 sticks (am I right for thinking this RAM GUY?).


once Im back I plan a lengthy bios session to find out best setting for this mobo and DDR and Ill post my results including bios setting, but i though was worth mentioning to undervolt your DDR and increase volt to northbridge (careful now not too much because of heat)

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  • Corsair Employee
its really worth noting that your actually overclocking your mobo (not DDR) to get 4 gigs working at higher speeds than 800mzh and will need to increase northbridge vots slightly because of the increased load of 4 sticks (am I right for thinking this RAM GUY?).

A: Yes I would agree.

I have the same mobo and 4 gig DDR and its been running at 900mzh @ 1.9v for past few weeks. I'm certain Ill get this past 1000mzh once I OC the north bridge when I get back from China and spend time tweaking.


4 gigs of 8500C5D DDR seems to work more stable on the P5N32-E SLI PLUS at 1.9v-1.925v and Ive read that others have found this too on the asus forums. try reducing the volts and see if you get more stability at higher frequencies.


A: While I have seen others reporting this I have not seen that be an issue in my testing, and normally that type of symptom might suggest a power issue.

Not necessarily a bad PSU just a power or loading issue. An it is worth trying to lower the voltage.

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