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vs1gb667d2 gone bad?


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I purchased a matched pair of these for my HP a1730n desktop. They were installed a week ago and all was good. On Monday, the computer rebooted itself and then seemed ok. Yesterday, the computer did the same thing except it would not reboot, it would give one short and one long beep over and over again. I took the new ram out and it rebooted and worked no problem. I took out the old ram, replace with the new and it went back to beeping again.


Am I unlucky enough to have gotten back modules?

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  • Corsair Employee
It is very unlikely that both modules would fail at the same time. I would suggest testing the modules individually in the same memory slot. If one of the modules fails and the other works, then we will need to replace both of them for you. However, if you get errors with both of them, that would usually suggest some other problem.
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I tested several different configurations and here were the results.


2 old sticks removed, 2 new Corsairs together in old stick slots, no boot just beeps.


2 old sticks, 1 new Corsair stick #1, normal boot up.


2 old sticks, 1 new Corsair stick #2, normal boot up.


2 old sticks, 2 new Corsair sticks, no boot just beeps.


It seems like the two Corsair sticks, for whatever reason, will not work together. I'm lost as to why as the Corsair memory configurator says they are compatible.

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  • Corsair Employee
I would recommend that you check for a BIOS update for your system, also with a pair of modules that are working together, enter the setup and load setup defaults if the BIOS. If you are still having trouble getting the 2 new modules to function together, then lets get them replaced with a matched set! Please use the On Line RMA Request Form and we will be happy to replace them.
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