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Asus P5N32-E SLI Plus Stability Problem with (Twin 2X2048-6400C4DHX)


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I am having stability problems when trying to run in dual mode. When booting up under Vista 32 bit, my system will freeze or restart. When I use slot 1 & 2 things seem to run good other than the system will freeze from time to time when playing games and surfing the internet.


I was wondering if there are any settings that can be adjusted in Bios and if adding two more sticks of ram would help out with the freezing I am experiencing under Vista? Would I be better off using a different model of ram or am I currently using the best for my system?


Any advice would be greatly appreciated,


Thanks :biggrin:

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Are you running the latest BIOS? They are 0805 for your board.


Try these settings:


tCL: 4
tRCD: 4
tRP: 4
tRAS: 12

Vdimm: 2.1v


Test again with Memtest. Were you planning on overclocking at all? Once you get the other 2GB you probably will not be able to run at those settings.

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My main goal when building this computer was for reliability & killer graphics. At this point I have no plans to over clock my system in any way unless I could greatly increase system performance without compromising reliability.


Allot of this stuff is still new to me, so any advice would be appreciated.

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I have the same motherboard and havent had any problems, minus user error lol, with it while overclocking. You also have the E6850 which I believe has GO stepping which allows for a better OC. It is all up to you though. Like you said I would go for stability first. Before coming here I never overclocked either, but to be honest I find it kind of fun.
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Would I be better off going with the Ram you have or just stay with what I’ve got?

Have you run into any of the same problems I have and if so how did you fix them?

Last, what settings would be best in Bios with 4 sticks of Ram?


Thanks for the help. :D:

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  • Corsair Employee
With that MB I would check that Command Rate AKA CPC is set to 2T and set the TRC if its listed to 24 and when running http://www.memtest.org make sure that Legacy USB is disabled. If you still have problems let's get them replaced, please use the On Line RMA Request Form and we will be happy to replace them.
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It seems the settings Bigbuck08 had given me, worked. I have not crashed yet but still have some lag issues going on.


What settings will I have to use in Bios for four 1GB sticks of ram? Can I use the same settings Bigbuck08 gave me or do I have to tweak those some?


Thanks for all the help guys.

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I’m back and still having problems lol. I received two more sticks of (CM2X1024-6400C4DHX) and installed them but despite everything I’ve tried all I get is blue error screens. I tested each stick of memory with Memtest 86+ at the default Bios settings and ran each stick twice with no errors. I have the most up to date Bios (0805) and the settings I’ve configured are as follows:


tCL: 4

tRCD: 4

tRP: 4

tRAS: 12


Vdimm: 2.1v

TRC: 24


These settings appear to be working fine with two sticks and only some freezing from time to time.


I would greatly appreciate any advice,


Thank you :sigh!:

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