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Issue with 4gb on Gigabyte GA-965P-DS4


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I have 2 sets of matched pairs OF THE CROSAIR 2048mb TwinX XMS2 6400 DDR2.


Originally I was running 1 set (2 X 1024) with no need to amend BIOS settings.

I can run three of the modules ok (default BIOS), but when it comes to trying 4 the system won't POST and it reboots.

I've ruled out broken modules/broken slots as any combination of module works in any combination of slots up to three modules.


I've seen lots of settings on the forum but have failed to get any of these to work. ie setting Volt+.3, CAS timings....(and most steps in between)


It would really help me out if someone with a same/similar rig could post the actual settings they are using that work.

Not comfortable putting the ram in and out all of the time, whilst trying different things.


I've update to the latest BIOS from Gigabyte.


Any help would be most appreciated




Forgot to mention CPU E6600, no overclocking

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I have 2 sets of matched pairs OF THE CROSAIR 2048mb TwinX XMS2 6400 DDR2.


Originally I was running 1 set (2 X 1024) with no need to amend BIOS settings.

I can run three of the modules ok (default BIOS), but when it comes to trying 4 the system won't POST and it reboots.

I've ruled out broken modules/broken slots as any combination of module works in any combination of slots up to three modules.


I've seen lots of settings on the forum but have failed to get any of these to work. ie setting Volt+.3, CAS timin********.(and most steps in between)


It would really help me out if someone with a same/similar rig could post the actual settings they are using that work.

Not comfortable putting the ram in and out all of the time, whilst trying different things.


I've update to the latest BIOS from Gigabyte.


Any help would be most appreciated




Forgot to mention CPU E6600, no overclocking


You need to drop the DRAM bandwidth from 6400 (800MHz) to 5400 (667Mhz). The problem is that you are trying to have the Northbridge Memory Controller Hub work as fast with four sticks populated as it does with two sticks populated. You have to tweak a few BIOS Settings.


Download memtest from http://www.memtest.org and extract the ISO image. Burn the ISO image to an CD-ROM disk.


Enter your BIOS. On the main BIOS screen press Ctrl + F1. You will see the screen flicker. Next select the MB Intelligent Tweaker option. On that screen you will see many additional settings that were not there before.

MIB Intelligent Tweaker (M.I.T.)

PCI Express Frequency = 100Mhz

C.I.A.2 = Disabled

System Memory Multiplier = 2.5 ( 2.5 X 266 = 667MHz)

DRAM Timing Selectable = Manual

CAS Latency Time = 5

DRAM RAS# to CAS# Delay = 5

RAS# Precharge = 5

Precharge Delay (tRAS) = 15

ACT to ACT delay = Auto

Bank Write To READ Delay = Auto

Refresh to ACT Delay =Auto

Read to Precharge Delay = Auto

Memory Performance Enhance = Normal

Dimm OverVoltage Control = +.2V

(G)MCH OverVoltage Control = +.2V


Boot to the optical drive with the memtest disk and allow for two full passes. Do NOT enter Windows until Memtest passes.



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Thanks for the response Derek.


Still no joy I'm afraid.


Went as high as 0.4 for the dram voltage increment.

It powered on briefly then off again.

After two rounds of that, it stayed powered on but still not post beep/bios screen.


One issue with the settings is I don't have an AUTO for the ACT to ACT delay, so set it as 35, from the previous defaults.


The thing I have noticed is that if I change the System Memory Multplier to 667mhz.

With three sticks of ram it remembers the setting, but after failing with four sticks and going back to 3, the bios settings are back to auto (which equates to 800mhz, and also the SPD timings are back to auto.


I have a dual boot bios, so I copied the current configuration to the backup in the hope it would not go back to auto, which I thought may be the failsafe type boot.


The three sticks run successfully at the settings you gave, pretty much any setting in fact.


Any other suggestions would be gratefully received.




P.S I'll also post in Gigabyte's forum re the bios going back to auto.

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Attached are screen dumps of the settings made. (apologies for the wobbly pictures :o: )

This was POST after reboot on three modules to check they were still set.


This was with DerekT's suggestions and the additional Write to Precache amendment.


After putting the fourth module in again, the same thing happens.


There is a brief power on/fans come on, then power off.

Second time (leaving it to reset itself) it gets slightly further and I can hear the drives being accessed/spun up, then power off again.


There is an outstanding setting which doesn't have an auto.

ACT to ACT delay, in this attempt it was 0 (default when set to manual)

I have tried it at 35 but with the MCH at +.2 and the Write to Precache at AUTO


If you can offer any more guidance on what the remaining setting should be for this MIB screen, I would be most gratefull.


Many thanks




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