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Gigabyte GA-X38-DQ6 and TWIN2X2048-8500C5D


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Just built new system, but unable to get machine to POST. Fans running. Stripped machine down to mobo, CPU (Intel C2D E6750), & RAM. Tried each stick by itself in different slots on mobo, nothing. No beeps, nothing. Have a feeling it is the mobo, but before I send it in for RMA I want to be sure. Unfortunately do not have another system to test memory in, or other memory to test in new system. Tried CLR_CMOS, didn't help.


Voltage on mobo says 1.8V but I know it is capable of 2.1V with BIOS change.


Question #1: Is RAM necessary for successful POST?

Question #2: Has anyone been able to get this combination of RAM & mobo to function that you know of?



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With this DRAM, you need to install a stick of Vanilla DDR2 DRAM. Upon boot, you need to enter the BIOS and set the Vdimm (DRAM Voltage) to 2.2v (for Version 1.xx) or 2.1v (for Version 2.xx).


Then shut the system down and insert the 8500C5's. They need more DRAM than the standard JEDEC requirement of maximum 6400 with 5-5-5-18 and 1.8v.

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Tried resetting CMOS (both by jumper and battery removal) with Corsair memory in, as well as some "vanilla" 800 speed memory I borrowed from a friend, and with no memory at all, same result after each try. Tried each stick by itself in all 4 mobo slots, same results. Tried another processor also, same result. RMA'ing the mobo.


Thanks for the ideas, I'll post again when I get the new board to let you know what worked.

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I have exactly the same problems and spec´s as you! (i have a Q6600 cpu though)


Except that my system boots fine if i put in som "vanilla" ddr2 533mhz !. But i cant get the dominator to work no mather what i try :(. I have tried cmos resetting..raising voltage etc. several times.


Please help :[pouts:

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