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P5N-E SLI and 2GB 6400C4 bsod and freezes


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I am getting random bsods with _IRQ_NOT_LESS_ and also i get _an attempt was made to execute non-executable mem_along with others. The fixs say to disable caching or shadowing in the bios mem opts which i dont have. These bsods or in game freezes only happen when a game is played for about 10 minutes or heavy video rendering in IE. Everything is set to auto and stock on an oc basis and auto has set the mem timings to 5-5-5-18 (1T Timing), dual channel and HT enabled. I have had no probs in bootup, or seeing the mem, or in windows besides 10-15 minutes of video played in a browser. Lately different games just freeze with no bsod. Seems like from what i have read here i should try 667 instead of 800. No errors in dxtests or 3dmark, it just wont game lol. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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Your advice worked perfectly! Smooth sailing since your settings were applied. I chose a voltage setting at 2.0XX rather then 2.1XX, is the voltage better to be on the 'plus' side of 2.1 rather then under it? Anything else i can play with to boost performace? Anythin need to be re'enabled after the mem test? Thx again. Corsair is a fabulous company and i will continue to be a loyal patron.:laughing:
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