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Suspect Faulty Module


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For the following is there any further testing needed before i submit a warranty request ?


Using TWIN2X2048-6400C4D in an ASUS P5W DH Deluxe (BIOS 2406) and I suspect one of the modules has become faulty after about 8 months.


First symptoms, which started about a month ago, were intermittent application errors, BSODs and the increased use of my laptop.


After updating device drivers and BIOS, reinstalling OS, I ran memtest 1.7 and lots of errors. (memtest should have been done first)


Tested both modules indepedently in the first slot and only one produced errors.




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I have now tried the same tests with the memory voltage set to 2.1v and the results are the same with only one module failing.

I've just bought some TWIN2X2048-6400D4DHX and they both test fine with the same settings so I'll return the faulty module together with its partner.


Thanks for the help.



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