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RAM GUY can you tell what speed is normal for Voyager(not GT)? I have Voyager 2 GB (CMFUSB2.0-2GB) and I'm getting by HDBench(Ver 3.40 beta 6)

Read Write RRead RWrite Drive

28635 6592 27856 1503 G:\100MB(FAT)

28085 6870 27932 1857 G:\50MB(FAT32)


This is same drive with fat and fat32. Same result I have on PC and on Mac(MacMini with Core2Duo).

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  • Corsair Employee

The results I have are done with Win Vista and are close to what you have but not the same, but they look to be close enough to say it looks good.

With format in fat16 and a 100MB test file Average Sequential write was 6.2 MBs and read was 10.8 MBs. So your drive looks to be performing above spec.

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