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This is getting ridiculous...


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Hello all,


I am writing this in response to the poor customer service that I have received from Corsair.


I have put my trust in this company for many years not only for my personal machines but also for my business machines. Please note that I do not hate Corsair but I am unpleased by the way they have handled my RMA and quite frankly I'm over it.


I filed my RMA on Sunday November 18th, 2007 through the automated 'express' form. The problem with this RMA form is that they did not have any option for cross shipment so I decided to call in the next day. I use this system for both my personal and business related things and so I cannot be without the RAM. Since only one DIMM was not working I wanted to see if I could do a cross shipment.


I get 1st guy on the phone, he says that yes they can do a cross shipment but they will need me to fill out a form for my credit card information. Ok fine I fill it out, reply back to the email. Hours later I get no response, I call in. The guy checks his email, he doesn't have it. I resend it.. nothing... oh but what do you know its in his Junk E-mail.


Ok fine whatever.. just process it... he says I would get a number no later than 30 minutes. I wait hours, no email... I call in, the guy says he's out for the day.


Next day (Tuesday) I call in and I get Guy #2, who checks out status and says that yes it's been processed but it probably would not go out till Friday due to the holidays... I'm like OK that's fine I understand it's the holidays.


I'm like ok fine whatever... I'll hold off till next week to call


MONDAY (November 26th, 2007)

I call in monday Guy #3 tells me that oh sorry we cannot send this part because it is out of stock and they did not know the ETA.... At this point I'm getting highly irritated because I could have purchased the RAM from another vendor if this is the bull**** I had to put up with with "express RMA"... I had to hang up because I did not want to start yelling.


Tuesday (November 27th, 2007)

I call in and asked if there was ANY other option for me to get this completed (This is Girl #1).. she said yes, you could do a refund and just buy another set or RAM online. I'm like OK FINE do the refund.


So now they've canceled my request for an advanced shipment. Again I'm waiting for some kind of email response... RMA #.. nothing... I call in again... this time I get the 'supervisor'. Ok great this guy knows what he's talking about... he basically tells me that I would have to send my RAM back, then wait 3-4 days for the accounting department to process the refund and wait 7-10 days for my check.. at this point i'm like you gotta be ****ing kidding me......


I said the person (Girl #1) did not tell me any of that and now I'm back to square one because I CANNOT do without damn memory in the system. so he reverts me BACK to the advanced shipment.. I get ANOTHER RMA # this time for the cross shipment AGAIN...


Tuesday night I get the information for the cross shipment. But I was told by the 'supervisor' that this part would be sent no later than Friday.


Well you know what?? It's Friday. I e-mailed the rep that sent me the info last and still no response whatsoever... so now I want answers...


I waited this long to get write this because I frankly believed that Corsair would have a better service for their customers. It hasn't been a day or two days.. its been almost TWO weeks. Am I a whiney customer? For the lack of information that I was given and the amount of time I was patient with them.. I think not.

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  • Corsair Employee
I did not get the mail from you please send it again and put Att Ram Guy in the subject line and a link to this post and I will make sure Customer Service calls you. Our hours are Monday Through Friday 8:30 to 5:30 Excluding Holidays Pacific Time.
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I did not get the mail from you please send it again and put Att Ram Guy in the subject line and a link to this post and I will make sure Customer Service calls you. Our hours are Monday Through Friday 8:30 to 5:30 Excluding Holidays Pacific Time.


How about you check your spam folder.


I resent the email from THREE different sources with three different email handlers so if you still don't get it, then that's not my problem.


I'd really appreciate it if you didn't give me your 'our hours are bla bla bla' line. If you read anything I typed up top, you'd realize that I'm well aware of your exact hours of operation as well as the names of the people I've encountered.


Listed below are the contacts in your RMA Department just in case you don't have it:


Genevieve Reyes - geneviever@corsairmemory.com

Joseph Ocbina - JosephO@corsairmemory.com


These are courteous people, it's too bad that your RMA managers can't train them right.


This ordeal is now up to 2 weeks.

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Is all that RMA Supervisor trained to say is "it will be in by Friday of next week."


Because that's what he told me Tuesday of last week and I just called in and got the same message from a rep telling me saying "he said Friday of this week."

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  • Corsair Employee
Yes I got your email but you HAD A LINK TO A DIFFERENT THREAD and that was why I missed it. Not to mention there was only your name and number in the message body. Please understand there are many emails and I am not the only one who reads them and provides answers. I have sent a message to the Customer Service Manager and asked him to contact you ASAP, but it looks like the part is out of stock and I am sorry there is not much we can do. But Hussain K will call you ASAP.
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Yes I got your email but you HAD A LINK TO A DIFFERENT THREAD and that was why I missed it. Not to mention there was only your name and number in the message body. Please understand there are many emails and I am not the only one who reads them and provides answers. I have sent a message to the Customer Service Manager and asked him to contact you ASAP, but it looks like the part is out of stock and I am sorry there is not much we can do. But Hussain K will call you ASAP.


If you know the part is out of stock (which it has been for 2 weeks now), then why do I need a call from Hussain?


When I spoke to the supervisor last week (Tuesday) he said they would be in no later than Friday (of that week? yes he said of that week)... this week he gives me the same line. I asked him if there was any other option for advanced shipment... I would pay extra for a close to or different model if that was in stock.. he said no... I asked for a refund he said it would take 10 days... I mean throw me a freaking bone here. If you're supply is out theres gotta be an alternative.


You know I've never questioned the integrity of Corsair RAM, but with this headache that you all have given me I'm thinking of switching my memory provider just so I never have to deal with your RMA again.

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Yes and these things will be best resolved with the Customer Service manager, please let me know if you do not hear from him in the next few hours.


I appreciate the help, I don't mean to come off so harsh but I've gotten to the point where I've lost all my patience.

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They told me they talked to you!

Please send the email again to me with your contact information and a link to this post to make sure we are not talking to someone else.


I had my phone on me all day yesterday and no one called or left a message.


As I said before I do NOT need a courtesy call to tell me that my RMA is not in stock. I want either dates or options in how this can be resolved otherwise it's useless to give me stupid answers like "we don't know when it's coming". I want answers not more problems.


My original RMA was placed more than two weeks ago and theres still no viable solutions as to how it can be resolved and to me that simply ludicrous. I've dealt with many companies in the past and have had lengthy RMA's but nothing this bad to where I have to play phone and forum tag and people telling me they've called me. If they call me I WILL tell you that they called.

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I am sorry but there is nothing I can do to help you other than what I have done if you are not willing to work with me. Then you need to call and talk to the person you spoke with.


Excuse me?? I've emailed when you requested information. I've RESENT things when they were requested and now you're telling me that I'm not willing to work with you??


I just want the product replacement is that too much to ask for?


My system has been limping on 1GB of ram for the last 2 (almost 2 1/2) weeks. I've been patient every step of the way minus the beginning of this week and you have the audacity to tell me that I'm not willing to work with you.

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