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Corsair Voyager 4Gb too slow


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Hello, I followed all yr instructions and some mounth ago I received a new Corsair Voyager 4 Gb pen drive in warranty, I thank you, but I have a problem with it.

I tested and use the old pen drive and up to the problem it was very fast while this new pen is "slow" for this type of pen drive... Max 17 MB/sec

I tested with 4 different pc with the same (attacched) results.


What can I do? It is a fake???


Best regards


Daniele Maitan




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I thank you for yr replay, I compare my result also with result of two friend of mine that have just buy 2 Corsair Voyager 8 GB (non GT) and you can see the difference in the attacched file.


As soon as possible I will contact you with technical support.


Best regards


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