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VX450 Compatibility Issues?


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I'm on my third VX450 now. The initial one was exchanged where I bought it after being DOA. The second quit working after about 6 weeks and the third, which I just received back from RMA today is not working either. Even though I've tried it on two different systems, an E4400 / Gigabyte P35-DS3L and an old Athlon XP 2800 / Asus A7N8X-E deluxe, I can't get it to work. The Asus has a power led on the motherboard, but it flickers instead of being solid green when the VX450 is hooked up. Neither system responds at all when I try to boot them. The power supply does have some output though when I short the power pin on the 24-pin ATX header. Measured with a voltmeter, the 3.3v, 5v, and 12v readings are all good. Are there known compatibility issues with this power supply or am I just unlucky?
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  • Corsair Employee
There are a few possibilities. One is that the PSU is tripping the "Over Current Protection" or "Over Voltage Protection" due to an out of spec signal from the motherboard. Another possibility is that there may be a bad component in the PSU. Lastly, the PSU should be compatible with your Gigabyte motherboard, however I would double check the user manual for the A7N8X-E deluxe and make sure that the board is compliant with "ATX 12V 2.0" or later PSUs.
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