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P5N32SLI SE Delux issues.


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Hello, My old AMD system died and I had no choice but to upgrade to the Intel 6600.


Newegg had a combo deal where you buy the P532SLI SE Delux with the Corsair 6400C4 2 gig set. I installed everything and ran on defualt mb settings flashing the Bios for the board to version 0501. I got the system to install a new copy of windows XP SP2 with no problems installed all the windows updates, installed chipset drivers, installled video and audio drivers ok. Then I try to install my usual video games I play online. I started with COD2 and the system reboots. I tried several times with same result. I looked on here for help and found after the fact that this motherboard does not support Corsair 6400C4 ram even though the box of the motherboard says Corsair ready, the memory chips say EPP SLI nvidia approved and both were bundled together by Newegg. I strictly use my computer for online gaming so this is going to kill me spending this cash and not be able to play. When im in Windows XP no problems as soon as I go into games bam it reboots. I can do anything I want but games.


I saw several posts about setting the bios memory to 667 freq, volt 2.1, timings 4-4-4-12. Tried all three combos with variations of them all in auto or off or default and the system says it would not take the new overclock settings and crashes. The only time it doesnt crash is when left alone on DDR800 mode and everything in full auto.


I have the following system: P5N32SLI SE DELUX, INtel 6600, Corsair 2gb 6400c4 ram, WD740GB raptor, Plextor DVDDL SATA, 750watt PCPOWERANDCOOLING whisper model, LIAN-LI VP1000PBplus2 case. Two 7950GT overclocked by EVGA video cards. Nothing on my system is overclocked by me anyways. I try to run stock always.


Please HELP anyone, this would be one expensive mistake if I cant get this system running


Should I return these memory sticks to Newegg and get different brand?

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Hey guys I figured out what happned!


I had the Soundblaster Fatal1ty card too close to my SLI video cards and it overheated when I was trying to play games so the system would lock up and reboot. I am running fine with Standard auto memory settings running at 800DDR. AWESOME! my 3dmark06 demo score was 9525 after letting it loop for 5 runs. This motherboard and memory combo does work. Its not listed on the Corsair web page for compatibility but it does work. You have to be careful running dual SLI cards and having the only two pci slots too close and over heating. I have a inverted case design by LIAN LI so the hot air must of rose to the sound card. Again here are my specs:


P5N32 SLI SE Delux, Intel 6600, two EVGA 7950 GT overclocked 600core, 1460mem, Soundblaster Fatal1ty extreme gamer, Corsair 2x1GB 6400c4 ram, PSU PCpowerandcooling whisper 750watt, LianLI VP1000Bplus2. I have a brand new Killernic card but I cant use it now since I am out of PCI slots. The one closest to the last SLI video card cannot be used.


I just got through playing BF2, COD2, COH for 4 hours straight no problems. :laughing:

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Just OC my 6600 to 2.8 with stock cooler and changing only the frontside bus with no voltage increase to the CPU, Memory chips I gave 2.0 volts. Chips are running 817mhz solid. Scored 9931 on demo 3dmark 06 with all the equipment I listed above. Remember to use a good power supply with this combo and its stable as can be. So the myth that 6400c4 2 gigs will not work with the N4 chipset during overclocking is not true, especially with Asus P5n series motherboards. Bios says im running 817 mhz on memory. Very important to match the target speed and memory speed on this motherboard or else you will crash the system or lock up. I bet alot of you guys are changing the memory settings to 667 manually but are not setting the target speed to the same speed they must be the same or else.
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I am able to overclock my 2.4 mhz Intel 6600 to 2.8 mhz with stock cooling and no changes to memory settings. I add 2.0v and the system just posted

10161 on 3dmark 06. No overheat issues or anything the 6400C4 are doing a great job at keeping the system stable. Great product. Anyone overclocking with the ASUS P5N series motheboards make sure to match your memory speed with target memory speed or else you will get random reboots or lock ups. Once you match the speeds you can run problem free and stable.

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