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Memory issue?


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I have just built a brand new machine and have been receiving BSODs with errors such as, IRQL_NOT_EQUAL_OR_LESS. I have deleted my partition and reinstalled 5 or 6 times and am still receiving BSODs. I assume I am dealing with a hardware failure. The CPU temperature is reading fine so I am guessing I am having memory failures. My configuration is as follows:

ASUS A8N-SLI motherboard

AMD 3700+ CPU

BFG NVIDIA 7800 GT graphics card

Corsair XMS TWINX1024 memory

Seagate SATA2 Hard Drive

430W Aspire Power Supply


The symptoms are as follows:

Usually BSODs when browsing internet (happens every 15 minutes or so)

Every 1 out of 5-10 downloads results in a corrupted file and must be redownloaded.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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  • Corsair Employee

You really should have a bigger PSU with the config you gave, but check with the Video card maker to see if your PSU in compliant.


Please set the Dim Voltage to 2.7X volts and then set the timings manually to the tested settings for the specific module you have, and then test the module/modules one at a time with www.memtest.org! If you still get errors, please follow the link in my signature “I think I have a bad part!” and we will be happy to replace them or it! However, if you get errors with both modules that would suggest some other problem and I would test them in another system or MB to be sure.

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